The Bardo

We are a leading private and confidential health retreat located between Brisbane & the Gold Coast regions.


Are you sober curious?

The concept of sobriety is often associated with addiction, recovery, and abstinence from substances. However, a new movement is emerging that challenges traditional attitudes towards alcohol and encourages a more mindful, intentional approach to drinking. This movement is known as “sober curious.”

Sober curious is a term that refers to individuals who are interested in exploring a healthier, more conscious relationship with alcohol. This can include reducing or eliminating alcohol consumption altogether, or simply becoming more mindful of the role that alcohol plays in their lives.

The sober curious movement is not necessarily about abstaining from alcohol entirely, but rather taking a more conscious approach to drinking. This can involve questioning why we drink, how much we drink, and how alcohol affects our mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Why has sober curiosity become popular?

There are a variety of factors that have contributed to the rise of sober curiosity. One is a growing awareness of the negative health effects of alcohol, including increased risk of cancer, liver disease, and mental health issues. Another is the recognition that alcohol is often used as a coping mechanism for stress, anxiety, and social pressure, and that there may be healthier ways to manage these issues.

In addition, many people are realizing that the social norm of drinking alcohol to excess is not necessarily a healthy or sustainable way of living. This can lead to feelings of shame, guilt, and regret, as well as physical and mental health issues. By exploring a more mindful, intentional relationship with alcohol, people are able to prioritize their health, well-being, and personal values.

What are the benefits of sober curiosity?

There are many potential benefits to adopting a sober curious mindset. These include:

  1. Improved physical health: Reducing or eliminating alcohol consumption can have a positive impact on a variety of physical health markers, including liver function, blood pressure, and weight management.
  1. Improved mental health: Alcohol is a depressant that can exacerbate feelings of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. By reducing or eliminating alcohol consumption, people may experience improvements in their mood and overall mental health.
  1. Enhanced self-awareness: By becoming more mindful of their drinking habits, people can gain a deeper understanding of their relationship with alcohol and how it impacts their lives.
  2. More meaningful relationships: By reducing the role of alcohol in social situations, people may be able to connect more authentically with others and build deeper, more meaningful relationships.
  1. Greater productivity and creativity: Reducing or eliminating alcohol consumption can lead to increased productivity and creativity, as people are able to focus more fully on their goals and passions.

Whether or not sober curiosity is right for you depends on your personal values, goals, and relationship with alcohol. Some people may choose to eliminate alcohol entirely, while others may opt to consume it more mindfully and intentionally. The important thing is to question why you drink, how much you drink, and how alcohol affects your well-being.

If you are interested in exploring sober curiosity, there are many resources available to support you, including online communities, books, podcasts, events, and counselling support with an addiction specialist. 

Remember that the journey towards a more mindful, intentional relationship with alcohol is a personal one, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Ultimately, the goal is to prioritize your health, well-being, and personal values, whatever they may be.

At The Bardo we have trained counsellors ready to explore your sober curiosity with you and build a tailor-made plan that would place your goals and life first. When, where, and how you choose to drink is very much in your hands but, like all winning teams, having a coach by your side can work wonders.

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