The Bardo

We are a leading private and confidential health retreat located between Brisbane & the Gold Coast regions.


Am I drinking too much?

Australia, a land where having a pint or a glass of wine after a hard day’s work isn’t just a tradition, rightly or wrongly, it’s woven into the social fabric. Yet, you might sometimes find yourself contemplating, “Am I overdoing it a bit?”

To start off, it might help to clarify what we mean by a ‘standard’ drink. In Australia, a standard drink is any drink containing 10 grams of pure alcohol. This translates to roughly a 285ml glass of mid-strength beer, 100ml glass of wine, or a 30ml shot of spirits. But keep in mind, a lot of the drinks served at pubs or restaurants often contain more than one ‘standard’ drink. Tricky, isn’t it?

Now, onto how long alcohol stays in your system. It takes about one hour for your body to break down one standard drink. However, this can vary based on factors such as your weight, age, sex, and overall health. So, if you’ve had a few, it’s going to take a while for your system to flush it all out.

Considering cutting down or stopping? You’re onto a good thing! Reducing alcohol consumption can have a range of health benefits. Your sleep quality might improve, as alcohol can interfere with your sleep cycle. You might notice some weight loss, as alcohol is often high in calories. Your overall fitness and energy levels can improve too, and let’s not forget the positive impact on your relationships, as excessive drinking can often strain them.

There’s also the financial savings to consider. Those after-work drinks or bottles of wine at dinner can add up over time, and reducing or quitting can save you a surprising amount. Plus, you might find that your mental clarity improves and you’re more productive, both at work and in your personal pursuits.

Need some inspiration? There are numerous famous figures around the world who’ve opted to say ‘no’ to alcohol. Take Hollywood actor Bradley Cooper, for instance. After struggling with alcohol in his early career, Cooper decided to go sober and has attributed his professional success to this decision. Another example is British singer Adele, who significantly cut down on her drinking to improve her vocal performance and overall health. How about Harry Potter? Daniel Radcliffe decided to quit drinking after realizing it was taking a toll on his personal and professional life. He’s been living a sober life for several years now. Their stories prove that life can be just as fulfilling, if not more so, when alcohol takes a back seat.

If you’re having difficulty cutting back, remember, it’s okay to seek help. Professional assistance, particularly from a residential treatment facility, can provide the structured, supportive environment you need to overcome this challenge. They offer tailored care and support, which is invaluable when tackling something as significant as this.

So, armed with this knowledge, you’re in a much stronger position to make informed decisions about your drinking habits. It’s not about taking the fun out of socialising, but rather, it’s about ensuring that you’re doing it in a way that doesn’t compromise your health or well-being. After all, life’s a beautiful journey, and it’s important to be in the best shape to enjoy it!

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